Yoga for Weight Loss: Best Time to Practice

Yoga is a strong ally in losing weight, with studies showing it boosts health and wellness. In 2022, 22 studies found yoga helps reduce weight, BMI, body fat, and waist size in people with obesity.

When starting your yoga journey for weight loss, think about the best time to practice. Morning or evening yoga can affect how well it helps burn calories and lose fat. This article will help you understand how to fit yoga into your day for the best weight loss results.

Key Takeaways

  • Yoga can be a highly effective tool for weight loss, with research showing significant reductions in body weight, BMI, and body fat percentage.
  • The timing of your yoga practice, whether in the morning or evening, can play a crucial role in optimizing its weight loss benefits.
  • Developing a consistent yoga routine, whether it’s a morning or evening practice, is key to achieving long-term weight loss results.
  • Combining yoga with other healthy lifestyle habits, such as mindful eating and quality sleep, can further enhance its effectiveness for weight management.
  • Exploring different yoga styles, from more active and calorie-burning practices to restorative sessions, can help you find the perfect fit for your weight loss goals.

Yoga and Mindfulness for Weight Loss

The mental and spiritual parts of yoga help a lot with weight loss. By practicing mindfulness through yoga, you get better at noticing how food affects you. This awareness helps you avoid bad foods and listen to your body’s hunger signals. It makes it easier to choose healthier foods and reach your weight loss goals.

Developing Mindfulness Through Yoga Practice

Adding yoga and mindfulness to your life makes you more aware of your thoughts and feelings. As you do yoga poses and breathe deeply, you stay in the moment. This helps you make better food choices in your daily life.

Resisting Unhealthy Foods and Comfort Eating

It’s easy to eat badly when stressed or upset. But with yoga and mindfulness, you learn to know what your body really needs. This helps you choose healthier foods and avoid eating out of boredom or stress.

Becoming More In Tune With Your Body’s Hunger Cues

Yoga helps you pay attention to your body’s natural hunger cues. You learn to tell the difference between real hunger and cravings. This way, you eat only when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. It’s a great way to lose weight in a lasting way.

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” – The Bhagavad Gita

Yoga for Better Sleep and Weight Loss

Yoga can make your sleep better, which is key for losing weight. It helps you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. This leads to better sleep quality, which is vital for losing weight.

Improving Sleep Quality with Yoga

Adding yoga to your daily routine can improve your sleep. Yoga nidra, a guided relaxation, is great for mindfulness and sleep. It puts you in a deep relaxation state, helping you sleep better and longer.

The Link Between Quality Sleep and Fat Loss

Studies show a strong link between good sleep and losing weight. Those who sleep less tend to gain more fat. Good sleep is crucial for managing weight by controlling hunger and metabolism hormones.

Yoga Nidra for Mindfulness and Sleep

Yoga nidra, a guided relaxation, is great for mindfulness and sleep. It helps you relax deeply, leading to better sleep and health. Adding yoga nidra to your routine can improve your sleep and overall health.

“Yoga nidra is a powerful technique for relaxation and stress reduction, which can lead to improved sleep quality and better overall health.”

Calorie Burning with Different Yoga Styles

Yoga isn’t just for relaxation; it can also help you burn calories and lose weight. Some yoga styles are more active and can help you shed pounds. By mixing different yoga styles into your routine, you can boost your calorie burn and weight loss.

Active, Intense Yoga Styles for Calorie Burn

For those wanting to burn lots of calories, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Power Yoga are great options. These styles are fast-paced and can burn up to 550 calories per hour. Fi Clarke suggests doing these styles three to four times a week for the best results.

Restorative Yoga for Overweight Individuals

For those who are overweight, gentler yoga styles might be more helpful. A 2016 study found that restorative yoga can lead to weight loss just like other types of yoga. Alexandra Baldi advises practicing 3-5 times a week, including at least one restorative class, to help with weight loss.

Yoga also boosts strength, supports mental health, improves mobility, and keeps the whole body healthy, says Nahid de Belgeonne, a yoga teacher.

Yoga Style Calorie Burn Rate
Vinyasa Yoga 400 to 500 calories per hour
Bikram Yoga 460 calories for men, 330 calories for women per 90-minute session
Hatha Yoga 149 calories per 30-minute session
Ashtanga Yoga 450 to 550 calories per hour-long class

“More intense styles like Ashtanga or Power Yoga, which burn greater amounts of calories, are recommended to be practiced three to four times a week.”

– Fi Clarke, head of yoga at FLY LDN

What is the best time of day to practice yoga for weight loss?

Yoga for weight loss depends on when you practice. Your metabolism, energy, and sleep quality matter. Knowing the benefits of morning and evening yoga can help you pick the best time for your routine.

Morning Yoga for Weight Loss

Many love starting their day with yoga. Morning yoga gives you energy and clears your mind, making it a great way to start the day. Some like to do yoga on an empty stomach to avoid discomfort. The Ashtanga system suggests morning yoga.

Evening Yoga for Weight Loss

Evening yoga is also good for weight loss. It helps reduce stress and relaxes you before bed. This is great for those who eat too much due to stress or have trouble sleeping.

Choosing the best time for yoga depends on what you like and your schedule. Many yoga studios offer classes all day. Try both morning and evening yoga to see what suits you and your goals.

Timing Benefits for Weight Loss
Morning Yoga
  • Provides an energy boost and mental clarity
  • Practicing on an empty stomach can prevent discomfort
  • Aligns with the Ashtanga yoga system
Evening Yoga
  • Helps relieve stress and promote relaxation
  • Aids in unwinding before bedtime
  • Can be beneficial for individuals struggling with stress-related eating or sleep issues

Remember, the best time for yoga is what feels right for you. Try both morning and evening sessions to see what fits your weight loss journey.

best time for yoga weight loss

“Practicing yoga at different times can impact energy levels, flexibility, and muscle stiffness, influencing the overall experience.”

Yoga for Weight Loss: Morning Practice

Starting your day with yoga can help you lose weight. It can boost your metabolism and give you many benefits for losing weight.

Benefits of Morning Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga in the morning has many benefits for losing weight:

  • Boosts metabolism: Morning yoga can increase your metabolic rate, helping you burn more calories all day.
  • Reduces stress: Yoga’s focus on mindfulness and breath work can lower cortisol levels, a hormone that can lead to weight gain.
  • Improves sleep quality: Better sleep is key to managing weight healthily, and morning yoga can help improve your sleep.
  • Enhances body awareness: Yoga makes you more aware of your body’s hunger and fullness signals, helping you eat more mindfully.

Creating a Morning Yoga Routine

To get the most out of morning yoga for weight loss, aim to practice three times a week. Start with a simple routine that includes poses to strengthen your core, improve flexibility, and relax. Some good poses to try are:

  1. Sun Salutations: These flowing poses warm up your body and increase your metabolism.
  2. Boat Pose: This pose targets the abdominal muscles to build core strength.
  3. Plank Pose: This pose engages the core and works your entire body.

Being consistent is important for seeing the weight loss benefits of morning yoga. By practicing regularly, you’ll be on your way to reaching your goals.

Yoga for Weight Loss: Evening Practice

Practicing yoga in the evening can be just as good as doing it in the morning for weight loss. Evening yoga helps you relax after a busy day, lowers stress, and makes sleep better. These are key for managing weight. Plus, exercising in the late afternoon or early evening might help you perform better, which means you could burn more calories during your evening yoga.

Advantages of Evening Yoga for Weight Management

Evening yoga can make sleep better, lower stress, and increase flexibility. The best time for yoga varies, but evenings work well for many people. It helps reduce stress by calming the nervous system and easing muscle tension. It also improves sleep by focusing on deep breathing and gentle stretches.

Incorporating Evening Yoga into Your Schedule

Adding evening yoga to your routine can bring many benefits. It’s important to find a time that fits your life and goals. Regular practice, with a focus on calming poses and breathwork, can help with sleep, stress, digestion, and flexibility.

“Aligning the evening practice with one’s energy levels is crucial to avoid overexertion and ensure that the practice is supportive and rejuvenating.”

Optimal Frequency and Duration for Yoga Weight Loss

To lose weight with yoga, you need to practice regularly. Experts say to do yoga 3-5 times a week, for at least an hour each session. This optimal yoga frequency for weight loss and time helps burn calories, build muscle, and keep a calorie deficit for losing weight.

On days without yoga, you can do gentler yoga or other exercises. Finding the right balance and sticking to a yoga duration for weight loss routine is key to reaching your weight loss goals.

  1. Beginners should start with at least two 60-minute sessions per week for a low-intensity yoga practice.
  2. To build strength, practice yoga three times a week, with sessions lasting 60 to 90 minutes.
  3. Daily practice of 10-20 minutes of gentle yoga is good for winding down or reducing stress.
  4. For balance and flexibility, aim for 1-3 weekly sessions of Yin, Hatha, or Iyengar yoga.
  5. Ashtanga or Vinyasa classes lasting 60 to 90 minutes, 4-5 times a week, are best for weight loss.
  6. Rest days are important to prevent injuries, especially after intense yoga focused on strength or weight loss goals.

The main thing is to listen to your body, make yoga a mindful practice, and adjust the frequency and duration as needed. This way, it enriches your life without feeling like a chore.

“Shorter and gentle yoga sessions can be practiced daily for relaxation and mental wellness.”

Effective Yoga Poses for Weight Loss at Home

Even with a busy schedule, you can still benefit from yoga for weight loss. Just a few targeted poses each day can help. Let’s look at some top yoga poses you can do at home.

Sun Salutations

Sun Salutations are great for boosting your heart rate and burning calories. They work out your arms, core, legs, and back. Doing 3-5 rounds in the morning can kickstart your metabolism and energize you.

Boat Pose

The Boat Pose strengthens your core and helps with weight loss. It engages your abs to balance your body. Hold it for 30 seconds to a minute, increasing the time as you get stronger.

Plank Pose

The Plank Pose works out your core, arms, shoulders, and legs. It’s a key pose for building strength. Hold it for 30 seconds to a minute, focusing on proper form and core engagement.

Adding these yoga poses to your routine can help with weight loss, even with a tight schedule. Always listen to your body and slowly increase the pose duration and intensity as you get stronger.

yoga poses for weight loss

Combining Yoga with Other Activities for Weight Loss

Yoga is great for losing weight, but adding other exercises can boost your results. Try walking, cycling, or swimming to get more heart health benefits. Mixing yoga with these activities helps you burn more calories and reach your fitness goals.

Strength training is a great match for yoga. Yoga and strength training together improve strength, mobility, and lower injury risk. This combo helps build muscle, burn fat, and boost your mood. Start with yoga to warm up, focusing on moves that get your muscles ready. Then, use yoga to cool down after strength training, stretching out your muscles for recovery.

Adding yoga to your cardio routine is also smart. Whether you’re walking, cycling, or swimming, yoga makes your workout better. Yoga helps men by increasing flexibility, engaging more muscles, and making workouts more effective. Try alternating days for yoga and strength training for a balanced week. Working out twice a day is okay if you space out your activities to avoid getting too tired.

Activity Benefits Recommended Approach
Strength Training
  • Builds strength and muscle
  • Boosts metabolism and burns fat
  • Improves mental health and confidence
  1. Incorporate yoga as a warm-up to activate muscles and reduce injury risk
  2. Use yoga as a cool-down to relax muscles and aid in recovery
  3. Aim for 30-45 minutes of strength training, excluding warm-up and cool-down
Cardio (Walking, Cycling, Swimming)
  • Provides additional cardiovascular benefits
  • Helps create a caloric deficit for weight loss
  • Enhances overall fitness and well-being
  1. Pair cardio with yoga to address multiple aspects of fitness
  2. Alternate days for strength training and yoga to maintain balance
  3. Consider working out twice a day, with exercises spaced apart to prevent overtraining

By mixing yoga with other exercises, you can make a complete weight loss plan. Listen to your body and slowly increase your workout intensity. Find what works best for you and stick with it.


Yoga is a great way to lose weight if you do it regularly and live a balanced life. You can practice yoga in the morning or evening, depending on what fits your schedule. It helps with your mind, body, and spirit, making you more mindful, improving sleep, and helping you burn calories.

Be patient and stay committed as you find the best yoga routine for you. Adding yoga to your weight loss plan can change how your body works. It helps with stress, eating habits, metabolism, and overall health.

Being consistent with yoga is important for losing weight. Practicing 3-4 times a week can really help you see results. So, start your yoga journey, listen to what your body needs, and let yoga lead you to a healthier life.


What is the best time of day to practice yoga for weight loss?

The best time for yoga to help with weight loss depends on your metabolism, sleep, and energy. Morning and evening yoga can both help with weight loss. Try different times to see what fits your life and goals best.

How can yoga support mindfulness for weight loss?

Yoga can make you more aware of how food affects your mind, body, and spirit. This awareness helps you avoid unhealthy eating and listen to your body’s hunger signals. It leads to better food choices and supports weight loss.

How does yoga improve sleep quality for weight loss?

Yoga helps you sleep better and deeper, improving sleep quality. Good sleep is key for losing weight, as bad sleep can hurt your efforts. Yoga nidra, a guided relaxation, is great for better sleep and mindfulness to aid in weight loss.

Which yoga styles are best for burning calories and supporting weight loss?

Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Power Yoga are good for burning calories. For those who are overweight, gentler yoga can reduce stress and improve body awareness without needing to exert yourself too much.

What is the optimal frequency and duration for yoga practice to support weight loss?

Aim for 3-5 yoga sessions a week, each lasting an hour or more. This helps burn calories, build muscle, and create a calorie deficit for weight loss. Mixing different yoga styles and activities can improve your results even more.

What are some effective yoga poses for weight loss that can be practiced at home?

Sun Salutations are great for raising your heart rate and burning calories. Boat Pose and Plank Pose work the core and help with strength and metabolism. Adding these poses to your home practice can help you reach your weight loss goals.

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