Calories Burned in a Typical Yoga Session: Explained

Yoga isn’t just for stretching; it can also help you burn calories. The calories you burn in a yoga session vary. This depends on the yoga style, how intense the class is, how long you practice, and your body type.

Harvard Health says a 155-pound person can burn about 298 calories in an hour of Hatha yoga. But, Ashtanga yoga can burn up to 362 calories per hour for the same person. Power Yoga, a type of Vinyasa, can burn up to 573 calories per hour.

Bikram yoga, also known as hot yoga, is very effective for burning calories. Women can burn about 330 calories, and men can burn around 460 calories in a 90-minute Bikram session. The calorie burn can range from 493 calories per hour to over 700 calories for a 90-minute Bikram class.

Key Takeaways

  • Yoga can burn a significant number of calories, with styles like Vinyasa and Bikram being the most intense.
  • Calorie burn during yoga depends on factors like body weight, intensity, duration, and specific poses.
  • Regular yoga practice can help prevent weight gain, especially in middle age.
  • Yoga may not burn as many calories as high-intensity cardio, but it offers other benefits for overall health and well-being.
  • Incorporating challenging yoga poses can further increase calorie expenditure during your practice.

How Many Calories Does a Typical Yoga Session Burn?

The calories burned in a yoga session vary a lot. Your body type, gender, size, and age matter. The yoga style, class intensity, and session length also play a big part.

Factors Affecting Calorie Burn in Yoga

Hatha yoga focuses on breath and stretching. It burns about 183 calories per hour for a 160-pound person. On the other hand, Ashtanga yoga can burn 460 calories per hour for a 160-pound man and 330 calories per hour for a 160-pound woman.

The studio’s temperature and humidity can also change how many calories you burn. Hot yoga and Bikram yoga might burn more calories than cooler sessions.

Golfing (walking and carrying clubs) burns about 330 calories per hour. Aerobics can burn around 480 calories in an hour. Running at 5 mph can burn roughly 590 calories per hour.

So, the calories you burn in a typical yoga session can be from 180 to 600 calories per hour. This depends on your factors and the yoga style you choose.

Different Yoga Styles and Their Calorie-Burning Potential

Not all yoga styles burn the same number of calories. The type of yoga you do can greatly affect how many calories you burn. From Vinyasa’s dynamic flow to Bikram’s heat, knowing which styles burn more calories can help you get the most out of your practice.

Vinyasa Yoga keeps your heart rate up, making it a great cardio workout. It can burn 400 to 500 calories per hour. This style links poses together and focuses on breathing, making it a calorie-burning powerhouse.

Ashtanga Yoga has a set sequence of poses that can burn 450 to 550 calories per hour. It’s known for its strength and flexibility focus, making it great for burning calories.

Bikram Yoga, or “hot yoga,” is done in a heated room. Women can burn up to 330 calories, and men up to 460 calories in a 90-minute session. The heat helps increase calorie burn.

Hatha Yoga is less intense but still burns calories. A 30-minute session can burn about 149 calories. It’s a good choice for those new to yoga or looking for a balanced fitness routine.

Power Yoga combines elements of Ashtanga and Vinyasa. It includes challenging poses and sequences that can burn calories as much as HIIT workouts.

Choosing challenging poses and keeping your heart rate up can boost your calorie burn in yoga. Knowing which styles burn more calories lets you tailor your practice for weight management. This way, you can enjoy yoga’s many benefits for your mind and body.

Calorie Expenditure for Common Yoga Styles

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is a slow-paced style that focuses on breath awareness and holding poses. It’s the most common type taught in classes. A 155-pound person can burn about 298 calories in an hour of Hatha yoga. This is less than the calories burned in Ashtanga or Vinyasa yoga, which can burn up to 362 and 573 calories per hour.

This makes Hatha yoga a good choice for beginners or those seeking a gentle, meditative practice.

The calories burned in Hatha yoga depend on your weight, practice intensity, and session length. On average, you can burn almost your weight in calories in a 30-minute session. For instance, a 130-pound person can burn 120-125 calories in half an hour, and about 240-250 calories in an hour.

Yoga Style Calories Burned per Hour (for a 155-lb person)
Hatha Yoga 298 calories
Ashtanga Yoga 362 calories
Vinyasa Yoga 573 calories

“Yoga can be a helpful, low-impact addition to weight management programs, aiding in long-term weight maintenance when combined with a healthy diet and overall caloric balance.”

Hot Yoga and Its Calorie-Burning Benefits

If you want to boost your calorie burn in yoga, hot yoga could be your answer. It might seem scary to exercise in high heat, but the benefits like hot yoga calorie burn and bikram yoga calorie burn are big. They’re worth checking out.

Hot yoga is done in a room that’s 85-105°F (29-40°C) with 40% humidity. This heat helps you burn more calories than in a cooler room. Hot yoga can burn between 330 to 600 calories in a one-hour session. This depends on how hard you work out, your body type, and other things.

Bikram yoga is a type of hot yoga known for burning calories. A Bikram yoga session can burn up to 477 calories per hour for men and 330 calories for women. The heat and constant flow of poses make Bikram yoga great for burning calories.

“Hot yoga can improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, enhance cardiovascular health, and promote the removal of waste products through sweating.”

Hot yoga also has long-term benefits. The heat helps build lean muscle, which can increase your metabolism and calorie burn even when you’re not working out. Plus, yoga’s mindfulness and stress relief can help with weight management and overall well-being.

Adding hot yoga to your routine can help with weight loss, fitness, or just pushing yourself. Just remember to drink plenty of water, listen to your body, and talk to a doctor if you have health concerns.

Yoga Versus Other Workouts for Calorie Burn

Yoga might not burn the most calories, but it helps with weight management in other ways. A study showed that people who practiced yoga at 45 gained 3 pounds less over 10 years than those who didn’t. Overweight individuals lost about 5 pounds, while non-yogis gained 14 pounds.

This weight control comes from a mindful eating approach. It leads to better food choices and less stress eating.

Yoga can burn calories, even if it’s not the top choice. In a yoga session, you might burn 150-400 calories an hour, based on the style and intensity. For someone weighing 160lbs, a light Hatha yoga class burns about 200 calories for an hour. But a power yoga class can burn up to 305 calories.

The calorie burn in yoga varies a lot by person and practice type. For instance, men burned around 460 calories in Bikram yoga, while women burned about 330 calories. This shows how factors like gender and fitness level affect calorie burn.

Yoga might not burn the most calories, but it has many other benefits. It helps with mindfulness, stress reduction, and supports your health and weight goals.

Choosing between yoga versus other workouts for calorie burn depends on what you prefer and your fitness goals. Knowing how different activities burn calories helps you make a balanced fitness plan. This way, you can reach your health goals.

Incorporating Challenging Poses for More Calorie Burn

To burn more calories in your yoga practice, try adding challenging poses. These should test your strength, balance, and flexibility. Think about doing dancer, extended side-angle, warrior II, and boat pose. These poses make your body work harder by asking it to do more at once.

Also, adding sun salutations, plank, chair, Chaturanga Dandasana, lunge, and dolphin pose can up the intensity. But, always keep your form right to avoid getting hurt, especially if you’re tired.

Poses to Include for a More Intense Workout

  • Dancer Pose
  • Extended Side-Angle Pose
  • Warrior II Pose
  • Boat Pose
  • Sun Salutations
  • Plank Pose
  • Chair Pose
  • Chaturanga Dandasana
  • Lunge
  • Dolphin Pose

By adding these calorie-burning yoga poses, you can make your yoga more intense. This might help you burn more calories during your session. Always pay attention to your body and adjust the poses to keep safe and injury-free.

calorie-burning yoga poses

“Yoga is not just about the physical poses, but also about the mental and spiritual aspects. By incorporating challenging poses, you can increase the calorie-burning benefits while still maintaining the holistic approach to your practice.”

The Role of Mindfulness in Weight Management

Yoga for weight loss offers more than just physical benefits. It also focuses on mindfulness, which is key for managing weight. Studies show that adding mindfulness to your life can help you avoid gaining weight as you get older.

Yoga teaches a mindful way of eating. This means listening to your body and avoiding eating out of stress or habit. It encourages choosing foods like fruits, veggies, and whole grains.

Yoga for weight management also lowers stress hormones, improves mood, and helps you sleep better. These changes can make you more aware of your eating habits and support lasting weight loss.

Yoga classes are not just workouts. They’re a place to find support and motivation. They also teach you breathing techniques that can help you lose weight.

“Yoga has the power to transform our relationship with food and our bodies, helping us cultivate a more mindful, compassionate, and sustainable approach to weight management.”

By practicing mindfulness in weight management with yoga, you can enjoy its many benefits. This journey can lead to a healthier and more balanced life.

Calculating Your Personal Calorie Expenditure

To figure out how many calories you burn in a yoga session, use the Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) value formula. The MET value shows how hard the activity is, with higher values meaning it’s more intense. By using your weight and the right MET value for your yoga style, you can estimate how many calories you burn.

Using the MET Value Formula

The MET value formula is: (MET value of the yoga activity x your body weight in kilograms x 3.5) / 200. Let’s simplify it:

  • MET value: This shows how intense your yoga is. For example, Hatha yoga has a MET value of 2.5, while Vinyasa or Power Yoga has a MET value of 5.5.
  • Body weight: Put in your weight in kilograms.
  • The constant 3.5 is a standard factor used in the formula.
  • Divide the result by 200 to find the calories burned per minute.

For example, if you weigh 70 kg and do Hatha yoga (MET value of 2.5), the calculation is: (2.5 x 70 x 3.5) / 200 = 6.125 calories per minute. In a 60-minute Hatha yoga session, you’d burn about 367 calories.

Keep in mind, these are just estimates. Your actual calorie burn can change based on your fitness level, how hard you practice, and your metabolism. Tracking your progress and adjusting your yoga can help you burn more calories.

Calculating Calorie Expenditure During Yoga

“Yoga combines meditation, breathing exercises, and physical activity. It reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. Studies show yoga can significantly reduce anxious thoughts.”

Maximizing Calorie Burn During Your Yoga Practice

To burn more calories in yoga, focus on challenging and dynamic poses. Sun salutations warm up your muscles and increase energy use. Warrior II, extended side-angle, and boat pose also boost calorie burn by requiring strength, balance, and flexibility.

It’s crucial to keep proper form and alignment, even when tired, to prevent injuries. Aim for a balance between challenging yourself and listening to your body.

  1. Incorporate a sequence of sun salutations to warm up and increase calorie burn.
  2. Include poses that challenge your strength, balance, and flexibility, such as:
    • Warrior II
    • Extended side-angle
    • Boat pose
  3. Focus on maintaining proper form and alignment to avoid injury.
  4. Be mindful of your body’s signals and adjust the intensity as needed.

By using these strategies, you can boost the calorie-burning effect of your yoga. Remember, challenge yourself safely and mindfully.

Yoga Style Calories Burned per Hour
Vinyasa Yoga 400-500 calories
Hatha Yoga 107 calories (per 30 minutes)
Power Yoga 360 calories
Hot Yoga Over 400 calories (per 60 minutes)

Using more challenging poses can increase your yoga’s calorie burn. Always focus on safety and mindfulness in your practice.

“The key to maximizing calorie burn during yoga is to find a balance between challenging yourself and listening to your body’s needs.”

Yoga for Weight Loss: Setting Realistic Expectations

Yoga can help with weight management and calorie burn, but it’s key to have realistic goals. It’s not a quick fix for losing weight, but it can be part of a balanced plan. This plan includes eating well and other exercises too.

Yoga helps with weight control over time, like preventing weight gain as you get older. The National Institutes of Health found that yoga helped people lose 5-8 pounds in 10 weeks.

Adding yoga to your life and eating mindfully can lead to long-term weight management benefits. Yoga encourages mindfulness, which can improve eating habits and reduce stress eating.

Yoga by itself might not cause big weight loss, but it can help when combined with healthy eating and other exercises. Active yoga styles like Ashtanga, Power Yoga, or Hot Yoga burn more calories than gentler types like Hatha or Yin yoga.

Being consistent with yoga is key for losing weight, not just how long you practice. Practicing yoga 4-5 times a week is best for losing weight.

Yoga is a journey to better wellness, not a quick fix. By being realistic and adding yoga to a healthy lifestyle, you can see lasting benefits for managing weight and improving health.

“Combining yoga with other workout routines like cardio and strength training can yield better weight loss results than relying solely on yoga.”


The number of calories burned in a typical yoga session can vary a lot. This depends on the yoga style, how intense and long the class is, and your own body. While yoga might not burn as many calories as other activities, it helps with weight management in other ways. It encourages mindful eating and can reduce stress.

To burn more calories in yoga, try adding challenging poses and dynamic moves. But remember to keep your form right to avoid getting hurt. Yoga is great for health and wellness, but don’t expect to lose weight too fast. Focus on the many benefits it offers.

Adding yoga to your life can help you reach your health goals, whether it’s losing weight, staying fit, or feeling better overall. By knowing how different factors affect calorie burn in yoga, you can make your practice work best for you. This way, you can enjoy the benefits of yoga and meet your health goals.


How many calories does a typical yoga session burn?

The calories burned in yoga vary a lot. This depends on the yoga style, class intensity, session length, and your body type.

What factors affect calorie burn in yoga?

Many things can change how many calories you burn in yoga. These include your body type, gender, size, age, and the yoga style. The class intensity and session length also matter. Even the studio’s temperature and humidity can affect it.

Which yoga styles burn the most calories?

Styles like Ashtanga, Power Yoga, and Baptiste can burn up to 573 calories an hour. Hatha yoga burns about 298 calories an hour for a 155-pound person. Hot yoga, like Bikram, might burn more because of the heat.

How many calories does Hatha yoga burn?

A 155-pound person can burn around 298 calories in an hour of Hatha yoga. This is a moderate workout compared to more intense styles.

How many calories can you burn in a Bikram yoga session?

Bikram yoga, done in a heated room, can burn 330 to 493 calories an hour for women. For men, it can burn 460 to 700 calories in a 90-minute session.

How does yoga compare to other workouts for calorie burn?

Yoga might not burn the most calories, but it helps with weight management. It promotes mindful eating and reduces stress behaviors.

What poses can help increase the calorie-burning potential of a yoga session?

Adding challenging poses like dancer, extended side-angle, warrior II, and boat pose can make your yoga more intense. These poses require strength, balance, and stretching, increasing calorie burn.

How does mindfulness affect weight management in yoga?

Yoga’s focus on mindfulness helps with weight management. It keeps people from gaining weight in middle age. It also helps with mindful eating and reduces stress behaviors.

How can I calculate the calories I burn during a yoga session?

Use the MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) value formula to estimate calories burned. This depends on your body weight and the yoga activity’s intensity.

How can I maximize the calorie-burning potential of my yoga practice?

To burn more calories, add challenging and dynamic poses. Include a sequence of sun salutations and poses that work many muscles. But always focus on proper form and alignment to avoid injuries.

What are realistic expectations for weight loss with yoga?

Yoga is great for weight management, but set realistic goals. It’s not a quick way to lose weight. It’s best used with a healthy diet and other exercises. Yoga helps prevent weight gain in middle age, but it’s slow and steady.

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