Beginners Can Lose Weight with Yoga: Here’s How

A 2016 study found that yoga can make you less likely to eat unhealthy foods. This news has made people think more about yoga’s role in losing weight, even for beginners. Yoga might not burn as many calories as intense workouts. But, it has special benefits like making you more mindful, lowering stress, and building strength.

For beginners, starting with easy yoga styles like Vinyasa or Power Yoga is a good idea. These styles help build strength and endurance. Adding yoga to your fitness plan can help you lose weight effectively. Learning how yoga can aid in weight loss will guide you towards a healthier life.

Key Takeaways

  • Yoga can be an effective way for beginners to lose weight when practiced consistently and paired with a balanced diet.
  • Yoga offers unique benefits that support weight loss, such as improving mindfulness, reducing stress, and building strength.
  • Beginners can start with gentler yoga styles like Vinyasa or Power Yoga to build strength and endurance.
  • Incorporating yoga into a comprehensive fitness plan can maximize weight loss results.
  • Consistent yoga practice, at least 3-5 times per week, is recommended for weight loss.

What is Yoga and Its Benefits for Weight Loss?

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that focuses on physical, mental, and spiritual health. It’s known for making you more flexible and relaxed. But, it can also help with weight loss. Adding yoga to your routine can make you more mindful, help you handle stress better, and improve your health. These benefits can support lasting weight loss.

Yoga for Mindful Eating

Yoga helps you connect with your body’s signals of hunger and fullness. This connection leads to eating more mindfully. Studies show that regular yoga leads to eating less fat and more fruits, veggies, and whole grains.

Yoga Helps Manage Stress

Stress can make losing weight hard, leading to emotional eating and poor sleep. Yoga uses breathwork and meditation to lower stress and cortisol levels. Research shows yoga can reduce stress hormones, heart rate, and cholesterol levels. This makes it easier to lose weight successfully.

Benefit Research Finding
Weight Loss for Overweight Men A 2013 study showed that a 10-day yoga program resulted in an average weight loss of 1.9 kg for overweight men with a BMI of 26 or greater.
Weight Loss for Overweight Women In another 2013 study, overweight women who participated in a 48-week yoga program lost more weight over a six-month period compared to those who did stretching exercises.
Calorie Burn in Bikram Yoga Bikram or “hot” yoga classes, which are 90 minutes long and set in rooms at 105 degrees Fahrenheit and 40% humidity, can burn between 300 to 500 calories.

Adding yoga to your weight loss plan can make you more mindful and help you manage stress. It brings many physical and mental benefits from this ancient practice.

Can Yoga Really Help Beginners Lose Weight?

As a beginner, you might wonder if yoga can help with weight loss. Yoga might not burn as many calories as intense workouts. But, it can still be a great tool for losing weight, especially if you’re new to fitness.

Yoga can help you build lean muscle mass. Regular practice leads to stronger, more toned muscles. These muscles help increase your metabolism, so you burn calories even when you’re not moving.

Yoga also makes you more mindful and helps manage stress. This can lead to better eating habits. Studies show that yoga can make you eat less fat and more healthy foods like veggies, whole grains, and soy products.

“Individuals practicing yoga were significantly less likely to have disordered eating patterns compared to those engaging in cardio-based exercise.”

Yoga is good for your metabolic health too. It can lower stress hormones, heart rate, and cholesterol levels. These are key for managing weight.

Yoga is great for beginners because it’s low-impact. This means you can practice often without getting hurt. Regular practice, along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, can lead to great results.

The success of yoga for weight loss depends on the type of yoga, how often you practice, and how you use it with your fitness and nutrition plan. Trying different yoga styles and finding a good instructor can help you see the best results.

Types of Yoga Best for Weight Loss

When looking at yoga for weight loss, some styles work better than others. Vinyasa Yoga and Power Yoga are top picks for beginners wanting to lose weight.

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga links breath with movement for a flowing practice. It can raise your heart rate and burn 400 to 500 calories per hour. Plus, it helps build lean muscle, which boosts your metabolism.

Power Yoga

Power Yoga is a faster-paced version of Vinyasa. It has fewer breaks and harder poses that work your whole body. This style can burn 450 to 550 calories per hour and improve strength and heart health.

Beginners should start with a beginner Power Yoga class. This helps build strength and stamina before moving to harder classes. Yoga’s low impact makes it easy to practice every day, helping you reach your weight loss goals.

“Yoga is a low-impact exercise, making it easier to continue practicing daily, potentially aiding in weight loss.”

How Often Should You Practice Yoga for Weight Loss?

If you want to lose weight with yoga, being consistent is crucial. Experts suggest doing intense yoga like Vinyasa or Power Yoga three to five times a week for an hour. This helps you see real weight loss results.

On days you’re not doing intense yoga, try gentler styles like restorative or yin yoga. These can help your body recover and keep you mindful. Adding other exercises, like cardio or strength training, with a balanced diet can also boost your weight loss.

Yoga Style Recommended Frequency for Weight Loss
Vinyasa Yoga 3-5 times per week
Power Yoga 3-5 times per week
Restorative Yoga 1-2 times per week
Yin Yoga 1-2 times per week

The best yoga practice schedule for weight loss can change based on your fitness level, goals, and lifestyle. Be patient and listen to your body. Adjust your routine as needed to find the how often should you do yoga for weight loss that suits you.

“Consistency is key when it comes to using yoga for weight loss. Aim for 3-5 sessions per week of more intense styles, combined with gentler practices on your rest days.”

Yoga Poses for Building Strength and Burning Calories

Some yoga poses are great for building strength and burning calories. These are key for losing weight. By adding these poses to your routine, you can increase your metabolism, build lean muscle, and reach your fitness goals.


Chaturanga, a pose similar to a push-up, works your core, arms, and shoulders. It requires you to lower your body from a plank position, engaging your whole body. This pose strengthens your upper body, helping you burn more calories all day.

Navasana (Boat Pose)

Navasana, or Boat Pose, strengthens your core and helps burn calories and build muscle. Start seated with your legs straight out in front. Lean back, engage your core, and lift your thighs to form a “V” shape. Hold it for 15 seconds to a minute, increasing time as you get stronger. This pose targets your abs, hip flexors, and lower back, improving core strength and stability.

Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)

Virabhadrasana II, or Warrior II Pose, focuses on your legs and glutes, increasing strength and calorie burn. Stand with your feet apart, turn one foot out 90 degrees, and bend the front knee. Keep the back leg straight and stretch your arms out. Hold it for 5-10 breaths, then switch sides. This pose works your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, making it great for weight loss yoga.

Adding these strength-building poses to your yoga routine can boost your metabolism and muscle mass. It also supports your weight loss goals. Always listen to your body and slowly increase your practice’s intensity to avoid injury and get the most benefits.

Yoga’s Role in a Comprehensive Weight Loss Plan

Yoga is great for losing weight, but it works best with a full fitness and nutrition plan. Use yoga with cardio and strength training to burn more calories and build muscle. Also, eating a balanced diet with fewer calories helps you lose weight.

Yoga improves your mind, helps with stress, and aids in recovery. This makes it key for a complete weight loss plan. By mixing yoga with other effective weight loss methods, you get a full approach for your health.

Yoga Supports a Mindful Approach to Eating

Yoga teaches you to eat mindfully, helping you understand your hunger and make better food choices. This leads to eating less and digesting food better.

Yoga Styles for Calorie Burn

Some yoga styles like Hot, Hatha, Vinyasa, and Power yoga help tone muscles and burn calories. These styles make your heart rate go up, which helps with weight loss.

Anyone can start with yoga, even beginners. As you get better, you can try harder poses to burn more calories.

Yoga’s Role in Stress Management

Yoga lowers stress, which is good for weight control. It uses meditation and breath control to reduce the stress hormone that adds belly fat. This way, you can avoid eating more due to stress, which can stop you from losing weight.

Adding yoga to your weight loss plan uses its many benefits for a healthier life.

yoga poses

Can beginners lose weight with yoga?

Yes, beginners can lose weight with yoga. Yoga is easy on the body, making it perfect for those new to exercise. It helps build strength and endurance safely. Plus, it teaches mindfulness and stress management, which can lead to better eating habits and weight control.

Yoga might not burn as many calories as intense workouts. But, its flexibility and variety make it great for weight loss when done regularly. Vinyasa yoga is great for burning calories fast. Power yoga is also effective but might be too hard for beginners at first.

Experts recommend doing yoga three times a week for weight loss. On other days, mix it up with cardio, weightlifting, or HIIT. Eating right is key to losing weight, as you need to burn more calories than you take in.

Yoga is a great choice for beginners wanting to lose weight. It’s low-impact and builds strength, which can boost your metabolism. By adding yoga to a healthy diet and exercise plan, beginners can reach their weight loss goals.

Yoga Type Calorie Burn Suitable for Beginners
Vinyasa Yoga High Yes
Power Yoga High With Gradual Progression
Hot Yoga Moderate With Caution

“Yoga can be a good source of exercise that helps burn calories, aiding in weight loss. The exact amount of calories burned depends on factors like height, weight, and gender.”

Yoga’s Low-Impact Nature Benefits Beginners

Yoga is great for beginners who want to lose weight because it’s easy on the body. It’s not as tough as some other exercises, so beginners can start slowly. This way, they can get stronger and more flexible without getting hurt.

Strength-Building Through Yoga

Yoga helps beginners build strength by holding poses that work many muscles at once. This can help you get leaner and increase your metabolism. Plus, yoga also helps reduce stress and improve your focus.

Studies from the National Institutes of Health show that yoga can help you lose weight by burning fat and toning your muscles. Doing yoga often can help you build lean muscle. This is great for beginners who want to get fit without putting too much strain on their bodies.

Yoga is also good for people with back pain or limited mobility. It’s a safe way to get stronger. It can also help improve your posture, which is important if you have back pain or poor posture.

Yoga can also prevent injuries by making you stronger and more flexible. This is very important for beginners starting a new exercise routine. Plus, yoga can make you a better athlete by improving your endurance, strength, and flexibility.

Yoga is perfect for beginners who want to lose weight and get healthier. It’s easy on the body, helps build strength, and has many health benefits.

How Yoga Promotes Mindfulness for Weight Loss

Yoga focuses on breathwork, meditation, and being in the moment. This helps you develop a mindful mindset that aids in weight loss. By tuning into your body during yoga, you learn to notice when you’re hungry or full. This leads to eating more mindfully.

Yoga also reduces stress, which helps fight emotional eating. This is a big hurdle in losing weight. By being mindful through yoga, you make better food choices. This supports your weight loss goals.

“Yoga promotes mindfulness and body awareness, leading to better eating habits and decreased stress, both essential factors in weight management.”

Yoga lowers stress and cortisol levels, which are linked to gaining weight. Managing stress with yoga helps control emotional eating. This is a common issue in weight loss.

Yoga’s mindful approach improves your food choices and portion sizes. You don’t need to follow a strict diet. By listening to your body and the eating experience, you build a healthier relationship with food.

yoga benefits for mindful eating

There are over 300 yoga videos for weight loss and 200 fitness videos to choose from. Adding a mindful yoga practice to your routine can help with weight loss. Investing in yoga gear like a block, mat, and bag can also support your journey.

Combining Yoga with Other Exercises

Yoga can help with weight loss, but it works best with other exercises. Adding cardio activities like running, cycling, or swimming helps burn more calories. Strength training exercises build muscle, which can also increase your metabolism.

Yoga’s benefits, like better flexibility, mindfulness, and recovery, pair well with other intense workouts. This mix creates a balanced routine that supports your weight loss goals. It’s important to find the right mix of exercises for the best results.

  • Yoga and strength training combined routine helps reduce the risk of fractures, slow bone loss with age.
  • Yoga enhances workouts by improving flexibility, range of motion, and muscle activation.
  • Strength training increases muscle mass, burns fat, boosts confidence and mental health.
  • Incorporating yoga as a warm-up for strength training helps reduce injury risk and correct muscle imbalances.

When adding yoga to your weight loss routine, focus on balance and variety. Mixing yoga with other intense workouts makes your fitness plan more effective. This approach supports your weight loss goals from different angles.

“Yoga as part of a comprehensive fitness plan can be a game-changer for weight loss. The combination of improved flexibility, mindfulness, and recovery can elevate the benefits of other high-intensity workouts.”

Getting Started with Yoga for Weight Loss

If you’re a beginner wanting to use yoga for weight loss, start by finding the right style and instructor. Styles like Vinyasa or Power Yoga are great because they’re challenging yet easy to follow. Make sure to choose teachers who can adjust poses for you, ensuring you stay safe and build strength.

Choosing the Right Yoga Style and Instructor

Feel free to try different classes and teachers until you find your perfect match. A great yoga teacher will help you connect with your body and mind, which is key for losing weight. They should offer various poses and adjustments to fit your fitness level and any health issues you have.

  • Look for studios or instructors that specialize in yoga for weight loss or beginners
  • Ask about their teaching style and approach to ensure it aligns with your needs
  • Consider the class size and level of personalized attention you’ll receive
  • Prioritize finding an instructor you feel comfortable and connected with

With the right yoga style and instructor, you’re set to make this powerful practice part of your weight loss journey. Stick with it, and you’ll notice improvements in your mindfulness, strength, and flexibility.

“Yoga is not just about the physical poses, but about creating a mind-body connection that can support your overall health and well-being.”


Yoga is a great choice for beginners wanting to lose weight. It may not burn as many calories as intense workouts. Yet, its benefits like better mindfulness, stress control, and strength make it valuable for weight loss.

Adding yoga, especially styles like Vinyasa and Power Yoga, to your fitness routine and diet can lead to weight loss. The key is to practice regularly, listen to your body, and choose an instructor and style you like. This makes yoga a lasting part of your life.

With time and effort, yoga can help you reach your weight loss goals and build healthy habits. It proves to be a strong tool for a healthier lifestyle.

Yoga is perfect for beginners because it’s easy on the body, reduces stress, and helps build strength and mindfulness. Adding yoga to your routine sets the stage for a healthier, more rewarding life.


Can beginners lose weight with yoga?

Yes, beginners can lose weight with yoga. It’s a low-impact exercise that’s easy for newbies to start with. It helps build strength and endurance safely. Plus, it can help you eat better and manage your weight.

What are the benefits of yoga for weight loss?

Yoga makes you more mindful, which can lead to better eating habits. It also lowers stress and cortisol levels. This can help you lose weight by reducing emotional eating. Plus, it builds muscle, which can increase your metabolism and calorie burn.

What types of yoga are best for weight loss?

For weight loss, try Vinyasa or Power Yoga. Vinyasa yoga increases your heart rate and burns calories. Power Yoga is even more intense, making it great for challenging your body and boosting your heart rate.

How often should you practice yoga for weight loss?

Aim for three to five yoga sessions a week, each lasting about an hour. Mix it up with different styles. On off days, try gentler yoga to help your body recover and stay mindful.

What yoga poses are effective for building strength and burning calories?

Chaturanga strengthens your core, arms, and shoulders. Navasana targets your abs and hip flexors. Virabhadrasana II works your legs and glutes. Adding these poses to your routine can help you lose weight and boost your metabolism.

How can yoga be incorporated into a comprehensive weight loss plan?

Combine yoga with cardio and strength training for better calorie burn and muscle building. Pair it with a balanced diet for weight loss. Yoga also helps with stress, recovery, and overall health, making it key for a successful weight loss plan.

What are the advantages of yoga’s low-impact nature for beginners?

Yoga is easy on your body, perfect for beginners. It helps you build strength and endurance without getting hurt. Plus, it can help you gain lean muscle and increase your metabolism over time.

How does yoga promote mindfulness for weight loss?

Yoga teaches you to focus on your breath and the present moment. This helps you understand your body’s hunger and fullness signals better. It leads to more mindful eating habits, which can aid in weight loss.

How should beginners get started with yoga for weight loss?

Start with the right yoga style and instructor for your goals. Beginners should try Vinyasa or Power Yoga for a good workout. Make sure to find an experienced teacher who can help you with proper form and safety.

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